Preliminary Statistics ­ West Side Residential Neighborhood
Total Build-out of West Side Neighborhood
Represents approximately 150 acres, from Truckee River to I-80
Residential neighborhood with corner store retail
No. Units
Housing Type
At 50 dwelling units / acre
7,250 hsg units
Mid-rise flats with podium parking
At 40 dwelling units / acre
5,800 hsg units
Stacked flats / townhomes
At 30 dwelling units / acre *
4,350 hsg units
Tuck-under townhomes
Within Influence Area, on parcels with potential to change
Represents approximately 35 acres, from W. 2nd to W. 4th Street (incl. frontage parcels)
Residential neighborhood with corner store retail
No. Units
Housing Type
At 50 dwelling units / acre
1,750 hsg units
Mid-rise flats with podium parking
At 40 dwelling units / acre
1,400 hsg units
Stacked flats / townhomes
At 30 dwelling units / acre *
1,050 hsg units
Tuck-under townhomes
*Note: minimum 30 du/acre as determined by MU/DRRC Keystone Avenue Sub-district