Downtown Reno and Midtown Breaking News
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City to Begin Work on VIrginia Lake Circulation Project
Construction of a new primary outlet structure and connecting pipeline at Virginia Lake is underway, and is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The circulation project will be an important lake management change and is expected to improve water quality.
27 Oct 2015
Biggest Little Theater Festival Begins This Week
The fourth annual BIGGEST little Theatre Festival at Brüka Theatre is a showcase for original theatre pieces featuring traditional and nontraditional performances created by local and regional performance artists. This small festival features up to 5 performances a day over 5 days in our downtown Sub-Bruka space. Each performance is under 50 minutes in length. Groups receive a portion of the ticket sales.
3 Nov 2015
Wedding Chapel for Downtown?
If I am reading these permits right, downtown will be getting a wedding chapel across the street from City Hall. How retro!
8 Nov 2015

East Downtown Construction Update
Check out what's going on in east downtown Reno, including the Courtyard Marriott, a major clean-up on High Street, and Haberae's Urbanito project.
8 Nov 2015
Feast Restaurant Opens Saturday
Bridging the neighborhoods of Midtown and downtown, Feast opens Saturday in a historic brick building at 516 South Virginia Street. Check out high resolution photos from media day!
12 Nov 2015
Upcoming City Countil Meeting Tidbits
Things to pay attention to in the next Reno City Council meeting include adopting digital sign standards, taking the ReTRAC covers one step further, installing public restrooms at some bus stops, and more.
17 Nov 2015

Here Are the Tenants for 1401 South Virginia Project
Tenants announced for the 1401 Midtown project on South Virginia.
20 Nov 2015
K2 Apartments-Kings Inn Gets Some Color
The former Kings Inn buildings gets some color as work continues, and check out what it might possibly look like when finished.
20 Nov 2015
The Kings Inn to become 3rd Street Flats - Rendering and Details!
Welcome to new project day! Where I'll be introducing three new residential projects coming to downtown and Midtown. The first is 3rd Street Flats, formerly the Kings Inn and codenamed K2 Apartments.
3 Dec 2015
Renovating in the Conservation District: A Construction Tour
Marmot Properties is very busy in Midtown and the West of Wells Conservation District. Come with me on a virtual tour, and before you start coming up with terms like 'IkeaVille', take a look at what they're actually doing.
5 Dec 2015
Center Street Lodge on City's Radar
The City of Reno has issued violation noticed for the falling-apart, piece of junk property at 200 South Center Street known as the Center Street Lodge.
14 Dec 2015