Downtown Reno and Midtown Breaking News


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Men Wielding Fire Opens Today in Downtown Reno

Quadruple yum.

11  Feb  2011

Reno Aces 2011 Promo Schedule

It's their most action-packed season yet.

10  Feb  2011


Projects gets Facebook page.

6  Feb  2011

Fitzgeralds Public Notice Sign

I love lime-yellow public notice signs. Especially ones that have to do with the Fitz.

1  Feb  2011

State Street Center Construction

Gets permit for construction.

1  Feb  2011

Signs of Life at the Siena

Signs of activity appear.

30  Jan  2011

Hash House a Go Go

Coming to Harrah's in April.

29  Jan  2011

New UNR Dorm Being Constructed

New UNR Dorm Being Constructed

New UNR Dorm Under Construction

28  Jan  2011

Nevada Discovery Museum Construction

Construction Update

28  Jan  2011

Downtown Walk includes new Thai and staffing office

A few photos here and there downtown.

17  Jan  2011

ReTrac in Retrospect

Now that the city is in a pickle, it's easy to say  that it was a mistake to build it, but was it really a mistake? And who was really responsible for the project? Read on.

15  Jan  2011

Downtown-Related City Council Items

New bar going in Arlington Towers, Men Wielding Fire closer to opening, and interesting bond tidbits.

15  Jan  2011