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Tags: Center Lodge

Meet Center + Pine - The Former Center Lodge
Check out renderings and details of the proposed 'Center + Pine' at 200 South Center Street, the former Center Lodge. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cool.
16 May 2016
Downtown Construction Update - Center Lodge, The Bridge, and More
Downtown Construction Update - Center Lodge, The Bridge, and More
23 Mar 2016
Hudson Project Construction Update and News
As I reported here, the Hudson Project is firing back up, big time. Check out some construction photos of the neighborhood.
17 Feb 2016
Center Street Lodge on City's Radar
The City of Reno has issued violation noticed for the falling-apart, piece of junk property at 200 South Center Street known as the Center Street Lodge.
14 Dec 2015

Midtown Walk - Construction Update
A few updates including a new Starbucks going vertical along with 2 On Holcomb.
31 Jul 2014
Center Lodge Downtown Sold
As a part of his adaptive reuse Hudson project, Brian Egan has brought in Center Lodge LLC, which has just closed on Center Lodge today, located on the corner of Pine and Center Street. This now makes the Hudson Project a multi-block project, in a part of downtown that needs a boost badly. A major transformation will be taking place this year to this building.
Brian Egan has already started renovating the older rental properties in this area, which you can read about and see here.
5 Mar 2014
Restoring Downtown: The Hudson Project
I've been writing this blog for close to 9 years now. During that time, we've seen projects of all sizes sweep through downtown and midtown. The project graveyard includes Arterra, Wingfield Towers, Waterfront Towers, various forms of the Kings Inn being redeveloped, and many more that didn't make it. The ones that did make it, though perhaps premature, undeniably transformed downtown. Having the Sundowner, Golden Phoenix, and Comstock converted to condos in conjunction with the Palladio, provided just enough new living spaces to initiate a gradual increase in residents from 2007 through today.
At the same point in time, striking changes were occurring in the Wells Avenue Conservation District and Midtown, on a more organic level, stabilizing a neighborhood once though of as undesirable. Marmot Properties amassed dozens of properties in the neighborhood, spending millions acquiring and renovating the properties then renting them out fairly quickly. I've covered many of their renovations and you can check out some before-and-afters on their project page. Between downtown and the Wells Avenue Conservation District, however, was a neighborhood not seeing a lot of movement or development, with many properties such as the ones owned by Ryder Homes stuck in limbo. That's is all changing, however, with the Hudson Project....
26 Feb 2014