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Massive RAAB Meeting Update Includes Siegel, RTC, New Projects and More
Massive RAAB Meeting Update Includes Siegel, RTC, New Projects and More
22 Feb 2017
Siegel Group On Deck at City Council Meeting
Siegel Group will be asking for a lease of a small portion of West Street Plaza so they can change the elevation of it and open up the east side of the building that's currently unaccessible.
27 Apr 2016
Siegel Group to Present Plans for West Street Plaza July 29
Coming up at the July 29th City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board meeting, Siegel Group will present the long-awaited plans for West Street, with a possible sale or lease as the preferred outcome.
23 Jul 2015
Sneak Peek of the Jungle
Check out a sneak peek of The Jungle, photos courtesy Courtney Meredith.
28 May 2015
Java Jungle and Jungle Vino Combining, Renovating
Matt down at Java Jungle / Jungle Vino has been hard at work undergoing a full renovation, and working with Siegel Group, the Truckee Lane Building's new owners.
4 Feb 2015
Major Project Update
Lots of updates on some of downtown's biggest projects. Click to read!
21 Jan 2015Siegel Group Proposes to Enhance West Street Plaza, Fulton Park
As part of their redevelopment efforts for the Truckee Lane Building, located on First Street in downtown Reno, Siegel Group will be asking the council to acquire West Street Plaza and Fulton Park to improve them and make them more cohesive with their redevelopment plans for the building.
7 Sep 2014
Renderings for Truckee River Lane Building Rehab!
Check out these awesome renderings of what the Truckee River Lane Building may look like when Siegel Group is done renovating it.
21 Mar 2014
Truckee River Lane Building FINALLY Sees New Light
Exciting times are on the horizon for the Truckee Lane Building, located at 248 West First Street. You might have heard about the controversy involving the lease agreements for Java Jungle, Sierra Tap House, and Jungle Vino? Well that's all solved and the building will soon get a $1.2 million rehab.
24 Sep 2013
Argyles Headed for Downtown
It looks like the space formerly occupied by boutique stores will be home to a new restaurant under construction next to Jungle Vino on 1st Street between West and Arlington.
6 Aug 2013