City updating landscaping for West Street Plaza and City Hall plaza

by Mike Van Houten / Mar 22, 2022

West Street Plaza and the downtown plaza in front of city hall are getting much needed landscaping updates with more drought-tolerant landscaping. 

The landscaping on West Street Plaza was done 20 some years ago but much of it had become overgrown and was not fire safe. The large junipers were covering the benches and blocking the view of the river. The city removed the overgrown junipers, some dying alberta spruce, a mulberry tree that came up as a weed and an elm that came up as weed that was ruining some concrete. They preserved the native and higher value species such as mountain mahogany, two needle pinyon pine, a jeffrey pine, red twig dogwood, and a nice crabapple. They also kept the beautiful shade trees on the east and west sides of the plaza that are doing really well and cast some lovely shade.

Two council members allocated a total of $10,000 in council donation funds to update the landscape.

The goal for the landscape refresh is a vibrant pollinator garden that is also a good example of a waterwise and fire safe landscape. Cameron Cox, a landscape designer who specializes in natural landscapes in Truckee and who is currently studying landscape architecture at TMCC has graciously volunteered to help design the update. Cameron also works with One Truckee River on updates to Broadhead Park. She also does volunteer work at the biggest little dog park in downtown where she is working to cultivate the soil with biological amendments and pesticide free organic treatments and the results are stunning. The city's goal is a very natural but vibrant looking landscape that frames the view of the Truckee River from 1st street. You can find some renderings below. 

Tagged under: downtown Reno
Post your comments
  • March 24, 2022 - 12:11:07 PM

    The real reason their doing this is to get rid of homeless problem. They removed the grass so homeless have nowhere to lie down. I used lay down on the grass to do my exercises. Please tell the truth.

  • March 24, 2022 - 12:37:01 PM

    And what evidence do you have Erik, other than your opinion on why they are doing it, that this is the case? The homeless didn't lay in the gardens at West Street Plaza prior to this, it was full of weeds and overgrown brush, so is that the reason for West Street Plaza as well? Provide some proof and I might believe it.

  • March 24, 2022 - 5:05:10 PM

    Agree with Eric 100%.

  • March 25, 2022 - 8:08:55 AM

    They made a place for the homeless to laydown downtown. Its the homeless shelter we just spent tons of taxpayer money on.

  • March 25, 2022 - 9:44:03 PM

    I was referring to City Hall Plaza . I did my exercises on the former grass for the last 2 years. The area was always full of homeless people laying on the grass. Part of reason for new landscaping I think was to get rid of the homeless problem.

  • April 23, 2022 - 7:36:39 AM

    The reason for the new landscaping has to do with the shortage of water. I am very gratified to see that we are changing our usual water hungry grass to native plants and a desert landscape. We are in a high desert climate here and grass is not part of the solution to conserving water. Now if we could only tackle those grassy strips along the roads and replace them with native landscaping we could save even more water.

  • April 23, 2022 - 10:34:49 AM

    I wish they had have photoshopped the homeless out of the last photograph! The cities public spaces are for the citizens to enjoy rather than avoid Homeless should be moved to the homeless shelter

  • April 23, 2022 - 5:50:32 PM

    DowntownMakeoverDude you are just a mouthpiece for the City of Reno, you are probably a shill for Hilary. Tickerhoof is right.

  • April 23, 2022 - 6:08:48 PM

    Sean Nash I have been doing this site for nearly 20 years, long before Hillary came into office, you are obviously new to the site and missed the many times I have criticized the city, including their support for demolishing so much affordable housing on west 4th, the Neon Line and more. I do not get paid to do this site, and certainly do not get paid to put up with bullshit accusations just because I happened to disagree with Eric