Reno Aces Touching Tidbit

by Mike Van Houten / Mar 6, 2009

3/6/09 - COUPLE OF TOUCHING TIDBITS - Just a quick post. Back when the Reno Aces were first announced, my best friend's cousin, who is age 60, on a fixed income, mentally challenged and has the brain of 10 year-old, decided he wanted to go to every Reno Aces home game possible. Bennie LOVES baseball, loves loves loves it. So, he saved up what little extra money he has for nearly a year and just last week bought the $549 level of Season Ticket for the Reno Aces. I am so proud of you Bennie, I'll see you on opening day! I think it's so cool he accomplished his goal. It's something he wanted to do, and didn't want help from anyone else.
Also, I just got an email from an urbavore like myself, who lives in New Delhi, India, and was fascinated by, what I did, why I do it, etc. He asked how he could make over HIS downtown area, and what he can do to get involved in his own neighborhood. Now, I'm not sure how government works in India, or if cities have the same local set-up we do, but I thought it was so cool someone so far away was inspired. That's EXACTLY why I do this site; To inspire people to get involved with local government. My new Indian friend writes enough English for me to communicate with him and help him get a site up and going, so that's what I am going to do. :)

Tagged under: 250 Evans Avenue | Reno Aces |
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  • March 6, 2009 - 10:06:34 AM

    That is very touching. They should have him throw the first pitch of the game since baseball means so much to him.

  • March 6, 2009 - 11:15:44 AM

    New Dehli looks like they have a municipal council. And I see some redevelopment items on their home page.