SoDo (South of Downtown)

Developer Kelly Rae, who at the last Council meeting won the Mayor's Choice Properties Award for 8 on Center, has a slew of projects lined up for the quaint street that branches off Virginia where Mary Street ends. So what does she have planned for Center Street now that 8 on Center is complete and successful?

SoDo4: a rehabilitation project on the four brick engineers houses (historically significant to Reno) just north of their 8 on Center project. These will be affordable studio homes with organic raised bed gardens for each resident and an arts and crafts studio for all to use as well

EcoVillage 8 will be 8 modern cottages across from 8 on Center, each with 1 bed 1 bath, raised garden beds in center, greenhouse, recycling center and craft studio on site; and

: a mixed use site featuring a gallery and retail on ground floor and apartments on second floor.

Their love for infill projects goes beyond Center Street though, with Stewart St. Solars: This project will be built spring 08 and will feature Reno's first urban all solar powered homes! Breaking ground within weeks is Watt St. Cottages located in old southwest, and will be small cottages to be offered at lower than market rents. They are truly adorable and are fashioned after the hurricane Katrina cottages designed by Marianne Cusato of New York. They will make a great affordable place to call home.

Getting back to Center Street and Sodo, Kelly Rae's projects coupled with the senior housing infill project, Thoma Lofts, La Bussola, Stremmel Gallery, quite a few first-class restaurants within walking distance, and the revitalization of Wells just around the corner, this neighborhood is truly transforming into its own district.


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Posted by: Gayle Stevenson - 7/16/2007 6:43:40 AM
This is so great. Kudos to Rae for having the vision to develop an entire block. I was concerned when Center Street weren't included in either the South Virginia plan or the Wells Avenue plan, I was afraid it would be a no-man's land, stuck between the two major streets with no real direction for development. From what I just read, I can see it will be a 'green' street very soon! I love the 8 On Center project, the way the elongated windows in the back pop up. If this project is any indication of their quality of work, style and concept of green living, then I can't wait to see what they build next on my street. Oh you also forgot Rose's Cafe in your Center Street write up, which has some of the best sandwiches in town.

Posted by: James - 7/16/2007 9:06:19 AM
Any builder like this that has an eye for community and the environment simultaneously gets a thumbs up from me. Does Kelly Rae have an actual company developing all these projects or is it just 'Kelly Rae?'

Posted by: George Mckinlay - 7/17/2007 8:01:13 AM
Great news! Kudos to Kelly Rae for her efforts to demonstrate that sustainable redevelopment is possible. While recognition is important, let's hope the CIty of Reno will take steps to make it easier for such community developers to implement their visions.

Posted by: Mike Arp - 7/25/2010 6:38:50 PM
Definately a compliment to the neighborhood.......

Posted by: Sam - 10/6/2010 10:57:23 AM
Wanted to know how I can get more information regarding the 827Project, mixed use with retail on main floor and apts on the second. My partner and I are planning a move to Reno from Florida and want to get more information. Thanks

Posted by: David - 10/15/2010 2:42:40 PM
The whole midtown area is really coming along, I personally love it! It reminds a lot of what midtown Sacramento probably looked like 10 years ago.