News 4-20-08 New Palladio Restaurant

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Posted by: Mark W. - 4/30/2008 11:01:56 AM
It would definitely be nice to see something happen on the ground floor of the Palladio - I was livid when I saw the travesty of the river-side pedestrian corridor on that site. Hopefully the Firkin and Fox is a sign of things to come rather than a flash in the pan - it seems like the retail spaces at the Palladio were almost an afterthought, and I never thought I'd be glad to see a Starbucks... so far they're the only tenant but they seem to be doing okay business.

Posted by: Bugsy - 5/3/2008 11:44:15 AM
Hey Mark W, think of how I feel. Ive been wanting the Riverwalk towers to put some type of retail on the ground floor for the past 2 years and it still looks like a boarded up soup kitchen.

Posted by: Mark W. - 5/5/2008 12:37:44 PM
Bugsy - Glad to see someone else has had some uncharitable feelings toward this place and its lack of tenants. I based my thesis project and research for my architecture master's degree on the site currently occipied by the Palladio. I am glad the site was developed, but it is most definitely not without its shortcomings, and those shortcomings are far from slight. I grieve for the wasted opportunities in that development, and I hope the developers will someday realize how slanderous they have been in naming the building after an outright master of acrhitectural design theory. However, despite my criticisms (and they are many) I really do hope that their new retail tenants can liven up the embarrasingly empty riverside patios, and give Starbucks a bit of company.