News 3-31-07 New Pine St Project

3/31/07 - WEDDING OR A FUNERAL? - I wonder what's going on with the property below? This is directly South of the Pioneer Theater on Virginia St, and north of the Wells Fargo Building. What's interesting, besides the fence up around the three buildings, is the three parcels facing Pine St., from Center Street to the unnamed street in between the memorial park and the wedding chapel, have requested an abandonment of part of Pine St. The reason for the abandonment? 'Future Development'. I wonder if the buildings being fenced off and the sign for restaurant/retail space available and the street abandonment are related? Is it a funeral for the wedding chapel and adjoining building? Or are they just being renovated? I have no idea, but we'll find out!

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Posted by: Aiazzi - 3/31/2007 3:41:32 PM
I believe it will be a mixed use development and the buildings are, indeed, gone.

Posted by: Wiley-n-Reno - 4/2/2007 11:58:49 AM
those Wedding chapels are from a bygone era. Wonder how they lasted as long as they did?