Arterra was a beautifully designed mid-rise project slighly taller than the Palladio. It, like many other projects, fell victim to the fact no one was looking for a $300,000 studio. Ultimately, there was no way the project could pencil, and was scrapped in 2008. As unreaslitic as the project was toward the end of its cycle, I still was a big fan of it.
UPDATE 2008 - Project as presented is completely scrapped.
UPDATE 08/01/2006 -
I watched the presentation of Arterra at the Redevelopment Citizen's Advisory Board meeting on 08/01/06. It will be quite an interesting project. Here are some rough highlights from the presentation.
- Chris Nelson from Capstone Partners envisions this project connecting the River Corridor and the Cal Ave district together.
- The architecture is about bringing nature and art together. The bottom base floor will be limestone, which is hard to see in the rendering, and the upper floor will have the primary residences. The upper floors will have floor to ceiling 9.5 foot tall windows.
- There will be a public plaza with a small garden and sitting area, and the high end restaurant on the ground floor will also have outdoor seating as well
- Building will be 16 stories tall.
- 5 live-work commercial spaces will be available, with the commercial be on lower ground level and residence above on 2nd story.
- Terrace area will have gardens, two spas.
- Each studio apt will have one parking space, and most 2+ bedroom places have two parking spaces. Parking is hidden within structure, including 2 levels of subterranean parking.
- There will be a massive kinetic wind / sun art element on the west side of the building, which will move in the wind. Will consist of dozens and dozens of metal 'flaps' is the best way I can describe it, which will move in the wind and reflect the sun in different ways.
- Units are expected to be priced in the low $300,000 range for studios, 2 bds start around $500,000 and penthouses of course $1,000,000.
- Building is going for LEED SILVER certification. This is a big thing in the construction industry.
- Slated to take two years to construct, would be done in 2009.
UPDATE 07/26/2006 -
Reno Real Estate posted about the newest entry into the Reno downtown luxury condo scene going up on the corner of Sierra and Liberty today. This is close to my neighborhood and the Arts District...nice to see a project going in this south of downtown. This could revitalize the business district as well as further chic-ize Cal Ave. It's called Arterra. It will cost approx. $90,000,000, have 191 units including live/work units. Go to the Planning Commission meeting August 16 and support this great project. I will be there! The Reno Gazette has a blurb on the project as well.
Post your commentsPosted by: Lyle - 3/8/2007 8:11:17 AM
I heard on another blog this was not going to be built after all....is this true? According to the sales office the project is still moving forward. Does anyone have any info?
Posted by: Steve - 3/8/2007 9:25:31 AM
The sales office is open selling condos and the project is actively under construction. Yes, it certainly appears that it will be built.
Posted by: Lyle - 3/8/2007 10:46:51 AM
Thanks! I was afraid it wouldnt be built
Posted by: Ed Ramos - 5/31/2007 10:39:57 AM
I am the Sales Manager for the project and we are moving ahead. The new Sales Gallery will be completed mid summer at 100 West Liberty Street, Ste 170. We have a temporaty Sales Gallery in Ste 780 and are taking per-construction reservattions on the residences. Go to our web site www.arterra-home.com and get on our interest list for up to date info. Construction to begin Spring of 2008. Any other questions please call me at 775-322-7555. Downtown Reno is transforming into a great place to live and play.
Posted by: Pat - 11/9/2007 4:06:32 PM
Just stopped in at the Arterra. The sales person said that no information except what is on the website is available. The project appears on hold as they have permits, but are holding off proceeding because of market conditions and the glut of downtown condos according to the sales person. The sales office is still not established (no signage even), so that also indicates that the project is on hold.
Posted by: David - 12/11/2007 4:05:40 PM
I recently got back from downtown, and have one question. What is the bare lot at Court St, and S Sierra? It looks like something is going on? What it is it? It seems like a very valuable lot.
Posted by: RenoSteve - 12/14/2007 4:02:56 AM
David, if you are talking about the very big open area north of court, and bounded by Sierra on the West and Virginia on the east.... It is owned by the county and they are preparing to install a "temporary" surface parking lot to handle court house parking. Longer term, there is supposed to be a parking garage with ground level retail and some type of further development. That could be YEARS away. Or, maybe sooner?
Posted by: David - 12/14/2007 4:57:49 PM
Thanks Renosteve. That area would be very improved if there was a parking garage or something built. It looks too bare, and is surrounded by mid-rise office buildings. I hope the Arterra does get built eventually. It would really hep that area.
Posted by: Erik Flippo - 1/8/2008 11:45:25 AM
This project is officially dead. I got an email from Arterra Sales today saying, in part: "After listening to our prospective buyers and reviewing current market conditions, our team has concluded that the residential concept we had originally planned for the intersection of Sierra + Liberty is no longer appropriate for the site or the current housing needs of the community. However, we at Capstone Partners remain committed to developing a premiere high-rise project at Sierra + Liberty , and will continue to work diligently with our architects to develop an alternative project plan." Another Reno high-rise condo project rests in peace.
Posted by: David - 1/10/2008 2:32:09 PM
I wonder what the alternative high-rise building is? Does downtown need more offices?
Posted by: jackthats12 - 4/6/2009 10:42:36 AM
arterra seems like a very neat project and would really clean up the area of where it is planned on being built. arterra would force the city of reno to tear down that crappy old coffee shop. it would be interesting to check out these units if they would build them. you really need to have a minimal,chic taste to live here. BUILD IT PLEASE
Posted by: MelissaAssuh - 11/2/2017 8:51:01 PM
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