Kimpton hits sewer roadblock

by Mike Van Houten / Apr 4, 2023

The Kimpton, which broke ground a while back, has seemed to have stumbled into a roadblock with the sewer line and a disagreement of some kind, outlined in the permit notes as follows: 

Plans are being placed on hold until a path forward is provided.

Chris Pingree
8:28 AM (2 hours ago)
to justin, Bob, Tray, Trina, Kerrie, Khalil, Michael, Angela, Jason, Nathan, Blake, Aleksandr, James, me

Good morning Blake and Justin,
Monday's meeting was held in order to discuss possible paths to move this project forward and no action was to take place without all parties' approval.
The City of Reno has not agreed to any of these conditions you are presenting at this time. As instructed at the meeting we had on Monday 7/18/22, REC is to meet with the appropriate parties from the City of Reno regarding the existing sewer and grading proposal that you presented. It has been brought to my attention that your team has requested changes to permit BLD21-01198E prior to this meeting taking place. At this time, we are putting this permit on hold until the appropriate parties have met and the City of Reno Public Works, Utility Service, Reno Fire, and Development Services comes to an agreement on a path that protects all parties.

As discussed, your team was tasked with setting this meeting prior to any decisions being made.

Hopefully, there will be some movement on this project soon. 

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