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CAC Meeting Report

1/7/09 - CAC MEETING REPORT - This was one of the more contentious CAC meetings we have had in a while. Take a few newbie CAC members and add a dash of overwhelming badly timed agenda items, and you get quite a lively discussion. The meeting went so long I had to leave 2.5 hours into it. I think maybe it might have been a good idea to first brief the new CAC members on the redevelopment districts, how they work, priority projects for each district, how and what a redevelopment agency does. These new CAC members had no idea what they were stepping into, and didn't have a chance to really review the issues before them.
So let's get into the issues. We'll start with the easy ones.

7  Jan  2009

Upcoming Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting

Citizen's Advisory Committee Meeting  Update

31  Dec  2008

Downtown Walk Construction Update

DOWNTOWN WALK - CONSTRUCTION UPDATE - High resolution construction pictures of the Ballpark, ReTRAC Cover, State Street Project, Montage, Townhouses at Holcomb Place, and the Center Street office project. Click here for the gallery, and for a high resolution version of any picture, click the enlarged version in my gallery for the 12 megapixel version. You can really see details of the ballpark in particular this way.

20  Dec  2008