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Jacobs Entertainment should learn from Reno's history of failed downtown districts
Jacobs Entertainment should learn from Reno's history of failed downtown districts.
26 Jul 2018
Two Boarded-Up Motels In Their Final Hour
Two long-boarded up downtown motels, which were partly inspiration for the city increasing its muscle to demolish run-down properties and then bill the owner for it, are now in the final hour, as demo permits are in plan review.
2 Jun 2016CAC Meeting Report
1/7/09 - CAC MEETING REPORT - This was one of the more contentious CAC meetings we have had in a while. Take a few newbie CAC members and add a dash of overwhelming badly timed agenda items, and you get quite a lively discussion. The meeting went so long I had to leave 2.5 hours into it. I think maybe it might have been a good idea to first brief the new CAC members on the redevelopment districts, how they work, priority projects for each district, how and what a redevelopment agency does. These new CAC members had no idea what they were stepping into, and didn't have a chance to really review the issues before them.
So let's get into the issues. We'll start with the easy ones.