Downtown Reno and Midtown Breaking News
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Tags: renovations

RTC Votes to Keep Median, Wider Sidewalks in Midtown Narrow Section
After a lengthy stream of public comments, RTC votes unanimously to keep RTC's designs which include eliminating some left turns in Midtown, eliminating center turn lane, adding a median, and keeping wider sidewalks.
20 Jan 2017
Holcomb 'Tin Can' Building Receives Upgrades
Improvements and a clean-up of the interior for 675 Holcomb Avenue, the aluminum building on the corner of Sinclair and Holcomb.
21 Sep 2016
Changes Coming to Circus Circus and Silver Legacy
A trio of permits show that some big changes are coming to Cirucs Circus and Silver Legacy.
13 Aug 2016
3rd Street Flats Adds Images to Website
3rd Street Flats, the new residential apartment mid-rise being converted from its former stint as an ugly yellow long-closed hotel/casino, added some interior renderings to their web site. Check them out!
28 Jul 2016
Interior Tour of 3rd Street Flats Construction
Check out an interior photo tour of 3rd Street Flats, a high-end apartment complex being constructed on 3rd Street and Arlington Avenue. It was fomerly the pee-yellow-colored Kings Inn, which remained closed for decades.
4 May 2016

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Headed to 2nd and Lake Street?
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Headed to 2nd and Lake Street?
21 Apr 2016
Perk Up Coffee Shop Headed to 310 South Arlington
Perk Up Coffee Shop Headed to 310 South Arlington in downtown Reno.
25 Feb 2016
The House That Tony Built - An Amazing Restoration Story
Mark your calendars for a terrific HRPS program coming up on February 24th at 7:00 pm. The House That Tony Built. HRPS member, Barrie Lynn, will share the history of her bungalow plus show her remarkable restoration of the porch. This free program is open to the public, no reservations are needed. The program will be repeated on February 28th at 1:00 pm at the Downtown LIbrary.
23 Feb 2016
1039 South Virginia to Be Redeveloped
Check out renderings for a new mixed-use development planned for 1039 South Virginia Street.
23 Feb 2016
New Activity at Hudson Project?
The Hudson Project was a multi-block development planned for downtown at Center and Pine Street. Brian Egan championed some amazing apartment renovations seen here, before the project stalled a bit. Now, is there renewed activity?
19 Jan 2016
3rd Street Flats Update, University District Details, 4th Street and much more!
University District, 3rd Street Flats, 4th Street Project, Virgnia Street Bridge Update, ReTRAC Cover Update, an action plan for downtown, and more.
19 Jan 2016
Sneak Peek Construction of The Stick downtown
Sneak Peek Construction of The Stick downtown
15 Jan 2016