Home / Downtown Reno Residential
Residences at Riverwalk Tower
Completed! Now they just have to build the retail level on the lower floor. Formerly a cruddy nasty hotel casino called the Comstock, and then played a brief stint as 'affordable apartment housing' which really translated into Tower of Crime and Fear, now the former Comstock has been completely gutted and remodeled into high-end condos. These condos are NICE, with oversized whirlpool tubs, GE Profile appliances, slab granite counter-tops, 9 foot ceilings and beautiful views.
Most of the units sold early on, and the remaining unsold are offered up at auctions every once in a while.
Web Site: http://www.riverwalktowers.com/
Post your commentsPosted by: jp - 4/4/2007 3:04:04 PM
What happened to the planned retail in the Riverwalk Towers? It seems great retail storefronts are appearing all around it, but it's ground floor still looks like crap.
Posted by: Ted - 4/28/2007 1:53:33 AM
I have that same question. What is going on with the front retail spot with the Riverwalk. Its a nice condo complex but its hard to convince other people when they see that eye sore in the front. Please find us the answer.
Posted by: Aileen May - 10/9/2007 3:27:08 PM
Enough with the same ole retail. The Riverwalk Tower should have art studios on their "retail" level. Has anyone seen Lincoln Rd. in Miami. Turned some 70's ICK into dance, music and art studios with large viewing windows. Great exchange with the artists. With 100 artists on the wait list at Sierra Artspace it would be a winner.
Posted by: Aileen May - 10/17/2007 10:19:10 AM
Dear Mike, Appreciate the response. Richard Florida has biography www.creativeclass.com as well as a book entitled The Creative Class. Many U.S. cities engaged in urban renewal ( Minneapolis,home of Artspace ) is one. It is very difficult to represent the WHOLE art scene with only corporate %) public art, high end art galleries focused to SELL and leaving out the grass roots art scene which actually inspires creativity (art for art sake). These factions are represented in alternative art spaces, low rent studio space,non profit art organizations represents dance, music, theater and the literary arts. We certainly have some great venues presently in Reno (Bruka, Artspace, co-op glaleries and I must plead ignorance in the music dept. Many of these underfunded expressions could be assisted by city grants and corporate sponsorship. Regards, Aileen May P.S. check out Lincoln Road in Miami
Posted by: Pat - 11/9/2007 4:23:20 PM
I just got back from trying to look at the spec condos available here. I say trying because the sales lady wanted us to come back with the realtor we are working with. Our realtor has spent a lot of time with us and we just decided to take a look at the new builds in downtown today as we surprisingly had the afternoon available to do so. In this market, I can not believe that there is a sales agent that would essentially tell a perspective buyer that you can't see the condos without coming back with your realtor! In addition she offended my wife by answering her question with the implication that we can not afford their product and we are wasting her time. It is no wonder that the downtown projects are not selling well, I am forced to gravitate to the Bellvedere and Montage as those are the only projects that had sales people on-site that were genuinely helpful and friendly. The sales person we interacted with at the Riverwalk should be fired.
Posted by: John Andrews - 11/18/2007 10:30:16 AM
I noticed a fenced off area on Roff Way (the alley connecting 1st and 2nd streets behind the Riverwalk) the other day -- complete with dumpster and johnny-on-the-spot. I didn't actually see any activity, but the dumpster was full -- perhaps this means they are finally moving ahead with the ground floor retail?