Home / Downtown Revitalization
West Street Market
West Street market is an urban market located in downtown Reno, in the heart of the riverwalk district. It's comprised of restaurants and stores arranged in a U-shape around a central plaza.
The market construction was funded by Community Development Block Grants and tenants who invested their own money into each of their spaces. Redevelopment Agency staff assembled the perfect blend of tenants to make the market successful.
Post your commentsPosted by: John Andrews - 1/28/2008 10:20:35 AM
I'm excited!
Posted by: Bugsy - 1/28/2008 11:22:43 AM
OHHHHH, YAAAA.. This project is going to make my view look loke a million bucks at the Riverwalk Tower (as well as raise the value a bit..god knows we can use it today) .. Ive been waiting for two years since buying my condo for redevelopement to start on West St. I also love the idea on putting the clock Tower on the center medium of West St and using some of old Reno neon Signs in the back Alley Way. I love preserving history with modern touches.
Posted by: Mike Oh - 1/28/2008 12:05:57 PM
Yeah this looks awesome. At first I was skeptical about the size limitations of the proposed location but it looks like the developers will be putting every inch of it to good use. And that's great to hear about the alley potentially getting some life. I've always thought Reno had really cool alleys and that something should be done with them. Now if only that crappy bar, next to the old G Spot would go out of business, or at least redo its hideous facade.
Posted by: Justin - 1/28/2008 4:04:20 PM
This is so exciting! I can't wait to see this go in there. (I'm crossing my fingers and hoping all goes as planned)
Posted by: Christina - 1/28/2008 4:46:04 PM
I hope they do it like the restored Ferry Building in San Francisco with a local flair. Support this!
Posted by: myrnatheminx - 1/28/2008 7:12:45 PM
They cannot close one of the lanes on West Street. This would created a terrible traffic problem on the weekends if not at other times of the year.
Posted by: Mike Van H - 1/28/2008 8:24:54 PM
Myrna! Nice to see you stop by. You bring up a good point...it would be inconvenient for residents of both Plaza Club and Riverwalk to turn right and have to backtrack around to Virginia St or Arlington to go North. However would it be so bad if it were only a couple days a week? Even if just for a couple of hours. Perhaps the weekend isnt the best time....but it would be great for an evening farmers market in the summer. . Bugsy you live on West Street, how would you feel about one-way access to and from your pad 3 days a week? Unless you have some hidden alley drive access I dont know about, that would mean you would need to drive south on West street to both enter and leave your building. Big deal for traffic or no? For those of you who live in this hood, heres a good opportunity to speak up.
Posted by: Anakin-Marc - 1/28/2008 10:01:17 PM
Regarding the 5 Star Saloon located next to the former G Spot, a bar which I frequent quite regularly, I have from a rather reliable source that they plan on taking advantage of the increased foot traffic that the market will bring. Can't really say much about it at this time other than that the "crappy facade" will be a thing of the past. BTW, since the new owners took over in 06, it's less of a car and has a much nicer lounge atmosphere inside.
Posted by: johnfree - 1/29/2008 1:28:16 AM
so it's the Green Room parking lot + the former Green Room, Liquid Lounge (Cadilllac Lounge) and G Spot. yes, this really will be excellent! hope it has better success than say, the Long's Drugs... maybe sometine will finally happen in the Riverwalk sapce also.
Posted by: johnfree - 1/29/2008 1:33:37 AM
(sorry, didn't read the other posts first) on parking, the Plaza Garage (shared by Arlington Towers) does have a back way out. It's usually closed with a big metal gate, but that gate can be opened to let folks out on that little alley street by Arl Towers (Roff St?) they opened it last summer when West St. was closed as a crime scene when the police shot that guy from Ross Manor.
Posted by: Karen - 1/29/2008 8:38:14 AM
Thanks everyone for your review, comments and suggestions about the proposals for a Reno Urban Market. Redevelopment staff is reading this site and considering pros/cons of making adjustments based on your input.
Posted by: Bugsy - 1/29/2008 9:12:33 AM
To answer your question Mike, I would have no problem driving around one extra block to get to my place. Especially only 3 days a week. Believe it or not, West Street (between 1st and 2nd st.) really dosn't get as much vehicle traffic than you think. It gets more pedestrian traffic to and from the river. Thats why this market will be a great.
Posted by: John Andrews - 1/29/2008 7:48:44 PM
I agree with Bugsy that the impact on traffic would be minimal. Driving only southbound on West St. to enter or leave my garage would not be a problem -- one day a week or seven. At most, you might have to wait/drive an extra 45 seconds. I suspect more time will be spent waiting for pedestrians to cross the street (and three cheers for increased pedestrian activity) than will be spent waiting in traffic forced to use only the southbound lane.
Posted by: RenoSteve - 1/30/2008 7:40:52 AM
I DEFINITELY agree with John and might even go futher. If the city's Urban Market concept is a success, as I think it will be, I would strongly support the permanent narrowing of West Street to one lane for that block. It would allow the creation of a much wider pedestrian plaza - perhaps all on the east side as the cuurent "3 day per week" plan proposes. Or, the plazas could be created on BOTH sides. That would allow the eventual retail/restaurant tenants of the old casino space below Riverwalk to create outside dining or other outdoor uses. In addition, it would be great to see the owners of the Senator Hotel (who bought the building in 2006) - www.siegelcompanies.com - participate in the redevelopment. The building is perfectly positioned - right accross the street from both Montage and Riverwalk residents - to add its own vibrant new retail/restaurant offerings. If the city goes ahead with this project, it could well start a real domino effect with other nearby property owners. I strongly suppport the effort.
Posted by: RenoSteve - 1/30/2008 1:02:13 PM
Oops, this statement in my earlier post - - "... I would strongly support the permanent narrowing of West Street to one lane for that block" - - - should read - - - "I would strongly support the permanent narrowing of West Street to ONE WAY (Southbound) for that block" Sorry for the misspelling as well :-(
Posted by: El Diablo - 1/30/2008 2:45:24 PM
The city is wasting my tax money. If the urban market is such a good idea, shouldn't private business people be doing it. Did not anyone pay attention to how unsuccessful the downtown "farmers market" was during the summer. Now the City also wants to spend $7 million to buy the post office? Please! The road in front of my house is crumbling and the city wants to build yet another plaza downtown. I beleive there is already enough spots downtown for the bums to drink without adding another. It appears that the city of reno only cares about making downtown nice (They have to make sure they please the out of town developers). I have seen no effort by the city to improve my neighborhood.
Posted by: Crystal - 1/31/2008 7:44:53 AM
El Diablo your facts are grossly inaccurate. The farmer's market downtown was successful during the summer, in fact locals farmers mentioned it was one of the more profitable (meaning peoeple actually buy stuff instead of linger) farmers markets in town, including the Sparks and Cal Ave ones. If was not successful the city wouldn't be building the permanent one. Also, look a little harder at where the money for the urban market and post office are coming from. It's not your taxes, and it's not money that would or even could be used to repair roads or improve your neighborhood. Did you know the city had plans to buy the post office since the mid 1990's? It's not some new idea. Also, I bet you haven't done one thing to improve your neighborhood. Have you gone to any neighborhood advisory boards voicing your concerns? Any city council meetings? Have you written any public officials voicing your concerns? And finally, it gets tiring hearing downtown is nothing but bums and useless investments. I live downtown, you don't, and I love my neighborhood. Learn what a redevelopment agency does, and why it exists and where it gets its money from. It's not from out of your pocket.
Posted by: John - 1/31/2008 8:04:56 AM
El Diablo did you look at any documents before you wrote that? Lets examine closely where the money comes from. Sources: Community Development Block Grant - $350,000, Redevelopment $ 75,000, Earnest Funds $ 20,000, Grants/Donations $ 70,000: Total Sources $515,000. I dont see your tax dollars in there anywhere.
Posted by: Mike Van H - 1/31/2008 8:30:16 AM
Whoah everybody ok let's be civil. That might have been a tad harsh Crystal, I don't want any personal attacks going on. The truth is, it's hard for the average citizen to be fully educated in what their government is up to. Look at me, I spend 5 to 7 hours a week on it and I just barely break the surface of what's going on. That being said, El Diablo I don't know what neighborhood you live in, but there are several ways you can go about improving it. Do what I did! Set up an appointment with your council member, voice your concerns. They do actually listen. Go to your Neighborhood Advisory Board meetings; did you know there are community pride grants available that, if you came to the NAB with a great idea on how to improve your neighborhood, you could probably get a little project going? For example, we over here in the Wells Ave addition plan to use a community pride grant in the near future to put up signs around our neighborhood pointing out various historical structures and districts. It's called community pride, and unfortunately, not enough residents have motivation or time to get involved in their community. The Redevelopment agency was formed to "improve the quality of life for Reno's citizens through redevelopment initiatives that attract, assist and retain businesses, eliminate physical and social blight." I'm not seeing anything they have done or poured money into that falls outside of the scope of their purpose. Keep in mind the redevelopment agency uses almost exclusively property tax bonds from INSIDE the redevelopment disticts to pay for the majority of it's funding. I.e., unless you live within a redevelopment district, your property taxes aren't going toward what's being built downtown. I could be wrong on that, anyone care to elaborate/correct me if I'm wrong?
Posted by: El Diablo - 1/31/2008 9:58:29 AM
Crystal, John, 1. I live in the university neiborhood north of I-80, West of the university that is about as downtown as Mike lives 2.My street has not been repaved in over 20 years. the city can find money to buy the post office, put a cover over the train trench, build a stadium, lease buildings for markets, but they cannot pave a street for over 20 years? Why don't they take the car rental tax and use it to fix the universtiy area streets or sidewalks?? 3.The city has done an amazing job downtown already but in my opinion older neighborhoods are being sacrificed for downtown! 4. I am very involved and have gone above and beyond my civic duty to keep my neighborhood nice. 5. The city is becoming a middle man for the urban market. The city of Reno will lease the buildings so that they can lease the buildings to someone else?? It does not make sense. Government is not supposed to be involved in the private marketplace. It is a kind of socialism. Get the government to fund everything. Instead of investors seeing a good oppertunity to do an urban market, the government forces it on us. Not a good thing. 6. I went to the farmers market every Friday last summer and either the 50 people that attended blew a whole bunch of money or Crystal doesn't know the meaning of sucessful 7. I really like this weblog, but I think it needs a dose of reality every now and then. Mike why not do a report on the businesses closing in the downtown area or how much vacant commercial real estate really exists downtown. Everything is not sunshine and lollipops.
Posted by: Mike Van H - 1/31/2008 11:46:06 AM
LOL maybe if someone paid me to do a report like that I would. If there are any UNR economics students out there who want to tackle that beast, I invite you to! In all seriousness though, more businesses have opened downtown in the past few years than closed. La Bussola moved back to 1st Street. All of Arlington Towers retail spaces are filled in. 100 North Sierra is being remodelled with a couple of tenants secued already, POwerhouse gym went in under 210 North, Ruths Chris going in. In my archive news you can find a 2007 in review report which goes over the dozens of places that have opened up shop. More seem to come in monthly. And I announce when businesses come in, and sadly, when they close. Well, I try to, as much as time allows. Trust me, I know things arent all lollipops right now, but I think that goes with the economy as a whole right now. One issue is nearly all the projects you mentioned were funded through the Redevelopment District, and I dont think finances from that intermingle with projects outside of a redevelopment district...do you know if you lie inside or outside the RDA downtown district? I live just outside of it. I agree, 20 years seems excessive for your streets not being repaved, have you brought that up with anyone? You live close enough to downtown like I do that the urban market may be something you actually enjoy and frequent. I know I will be. Give it a chance :)
Posted by: Bob - 2/1/2008 12:38:30 PM
As owner of RenoUrbanMarket.com, I would welcome a physical location to compliment the virtual site. As Reno grows, residents would ultimately benefit from purchasing from local merchants and at the same time, lower our carbon footprint by reducing the need to freight as many goods into our region from outside sources. I think Reno Urban Market is a good idea - although I question if the City of Reno should be using its citizen’s funds instead of private money.
Posted by: dave aiazzi - 4/19/2008 12:21:17 AM
El Diablo, from your description, you live in my ward. Tell me what you would like and we can work on it. We face this dilemma all the time and guess what, we happen to be in budget season! We could spend every last cent on streets and they still wouldn't all get done. The tax shift shift in the early 90's hurt the City horribly and they cut street maintenance. It's a hole we are still trying to dig our way out of. In case you didn't know, the City of Reno received NO car rental tax. That was done by the legislature for a specific purpose. PS I don't much care for the name "Urban Market", I like "The M Spot"
Posted by: Mae West - 4/19/2008 1:02:19 PM
It's nice to see so many positive voices and growth to the downtown area. I would move to further the one-way traffic on the weekends to many other minor streets in the downtown area as well. California Ave could use some diagonal parking to help accomodate the local merchants as parking is a huge issue. I just wonder if the City would consider using the money they spend (be interesed to know how much each year) washing the sidewalks on Virginia and Sierra two or three times a week especially in front of the casino properties to beter use..any thoughts ?
Posted by: Mark W - 4/30/2008 9:57:08 AM
El Diablo, its completely understandable to be frustrated about a lack of simple maintenance action, but before you condemn the redevelopment efforts downtown, you have to consider the possibility that the City of Reno is working towards a long-term plan of improving quality of development and economic diversity across the city, and from the sound of things, preventing the vast expansion of suburban sprawl that plagues Sparks. You're right that everything is not perfect, but it seems like you are not seeing the bigger picture - there has been a huge amount of growth in this area over the past decade, and in order to accommodate that growth, Reno officials and planners have tried to create a plan that encourages a smarter, more sustainable model of growth - encouraging higher-density development and less horizontal expansion. I can guarantee that your neighborhood is not the only one in need of road work, and while I don't like the idea of the City of Reno failing to maintain roads, I do like the idea that they are trying to limit the future need for, and costs of, maintenance on city infrastructure, including road work. It may not seem very reassuring to you right now, but Reno seems to have a much better handle on things than Sparks; the recent sewer line project on Sparks Blvd. and the whole Scheel's/Legends debacle shows that they are all too willing to commit to clumsy, shortsighted, sprawling projects that will eventually result in huge cost to taxpayers, and to the ejoyability of everyday life in Sparks. The urban market has serious potential to renew West street, and more importantly, serve as an icon for community identity and successful urban investment. I love what I'm seeing so far, and I really am looking forward to seeing it open up and flourish. That said, I really don't see the need for creating one-way vehicular traffic in that area at all. The existing two-lane setup there is more than enough to handle pedestrian traffic, and to reduce vehicle access will hurt business for the tenants. Successful examples of urban marketplaces have two-way vehicular access and parallel parking available. Don't forget that there are several parking garages within a five-block radius of West Street, too.
Posted by: Brian B - 6/3/2008 6:00:07 PM
as someone who chooses NOT to drive, I can only commend the city for focusing energy and $$ to the downtown core. Personally, I'd rather all the streets disintegrated and we all took to our feet to get around. With this new market, I can now get groceries without public transit. SWEEEET!
Posted by: remano - 4/30/2009 9:56:19 AM
I drove by the market this morning. A crew was busy putting up the steel for the main entrance. Things are looking pretty good.
Posted by: remano - 11/18/2009 8:59:20 AM
I noticed today that the West Street Market space formerly occupied by the Brickhouse Bakery now houses an Earthly Delights shop. Best wishes for their success. More information here: http://www.earthlydelightstahoe.com/