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Proposed Ballpark Apartments near Greater Nevada Field seeks alley abandonment, fee deferrals
Proposed multi-block project near ballpark seeks alley abandonment, fee deferrals
6 Aug 2020
Interesting Permit Filed for Reno Aces Ballpark
An interesting permit is in review in the Building Dept for Reno Aces Ballpark.
2 Mar 2016
Courtyard Marriott Construction Update
With all the buzz about the Siena possibly becoming a Marriott, we can't forget about the other Marriott. Ground work and floodwall reinforcement looks to be nearly complete, with foundation work beginning.
7 May 2015
Spoiler Alert: Some Numbers from Reno Aces' Annual Report to Council
On Wednesday the Reno Aces will deliver their annual report to the Reno City Council. This includes attendnace numbers, the results of their opinion survey, payroll numbers (not including players and coaches from the DIamondbacks) and Reno Aces' contributions back to the city. Luckily this info was posted in the agenda press packet prior to the meeting, so let's take a peek at some of the numbers!
26 Jan 2015
Bowling Stadium to Open to Public, and More
It's going to be a jam-packed fun and perhaps fiery Reno City Council meeting. Check out the highlights from next week's meeting! From bowling to baseball to STAR Bonds, it's all there.
22 Jan 2015
Ice Rink Opens November 25 at Aces Ball Park
One of downtown's most popular attractions in the winter will open November 25, on Tuesday, after the tree lighting ceremony.
20 Nov 2014
Ice Rink Downtown to be Relocated
Due to the Virginia Street Bridge replacement, the ice rink downtown located on the Virginia Street plaza in front of City Hall will be relocated temporarily to the Reno Aces Ball Park. Read on for the details and some extra tidbits that slipped out during the meeting.
29 May 2014
Reno Aces to Open with Eight-Game Home Stand
The Reno Aces are starting things off big this year with a fun eight-game home stand. Click the 'Read More' link to find out what's going on, and what the giveaways will be for each game!
2 Apr 2014
Reno Aces Win 5 Consecutive Games, Friday Home Opener Sold Out
Reno Aces Friday season opener sold out, have won 5 consecutive games on the road.
13 Apr 2011Freight House District Announces Venues
Freight House District, the add-on to the Reno Aces Ballpark / Greater Nevada Field, announced tenants.
20 Mar 2010